Wednesday 24 October 2012

Trump's wreaks "Golf Course" havoc in Scotland, BBC TWO airs film.

DONALD TRUMP is shown on a documentary (You've Been Trumped) aired nationally on BBC TWO to be an arrogant egotist whose self interest based golf course takeover of a natural sand dune system that should have remained a SSSI, has been disastrous for the local residents, one of whom he has described as "living in a pigsty", 

But Trump seems to know so little about Scottish culture that he fails to acknowledge rustic farmhouses and pieces of equipment when he sees them.

Stop This Country has compiled a brief list of the chief things the film revealed about why Capitalist Egotist Donald Trump is bad news for Scotland and its heritage.


Donald Trump it is revealed committed many acts that should be considered criminal offences, intimidation, psychological, vindictive abuse of the areas inhabitants, vandalism, trespass, theft.

Some chief wrongs were;

Vindictively piled sand up so that it created a land barrier that would obstruct local inhabitants views (he arrogantly said that he didn't want the areas houses visible from the golf course)

He muscled in on land that wasn't even his and then issued an invoice to a resident for half the cost of putting up a new fence and it came to well over a thousand pounds. That is fucking ruthless and Trump (Trump Estates) has got serious money, what a bastard!

Called the local and somewhat rustic houses and farm buildings a "slum". But of course Capitalism in its ruthless expression as a bland golf course is actually far more spiritually ugly. His attitude to the local residents and his rant against a local man who has far more moral right to the land than he does about so called "unkempt" properties shows a complete lack of depth about what traditions the traditional Scottish farm buildings and equipment actually represent. He is a fucking American and just saying that he is "out of touch" with Scotland and its people doesn't begin to convey the limitations caused by his arrogant attitude.

His diggers disrupted the water and power supply to local inhabitants and then (Menie Estate) did nothing about it.

The development has destroyed a natural dune system which is one of the few left in the UK.

Opposes the building of a wind farm at sea nearby because it would affect the ocean view on the new golf course (who cares what Trump thinks, what's more important!)

The SNP leader Alex Salmond (the Scottish Government), Grampian Police & some councillors in Aberdeenshure Council seem complicit with Trump and are leaving the inhabitants affected by the development to rot.

An interview on US TV showed that Trump didn't even remember whether the development was on the east or west coast of Scotland.

Surprise, Surprise, he's anti-Obama, of course he is! (from this arrogant Twitter, which somebody said on the film fan page read like it was someone satirising him, no he's really that arrogant!)

The story resembles the plot of "Local Hero" (1983) in many ways but can't give you the same happy ending, watch here -

if you can't catch that, a DVD is available in November.

Stills taken and mixed from "You've Been Trumped" on BBC IPlayer