Friday 13 February 2015

50 Shades Of Attempted Censorship!

Nowadays I get really irritated by people whose cause is "I don't like this content so it should be banned for everyone" The conservative morals who appeared on channels like "Fox News" and hopelessly tried to restrict the GTA games just adding more street cred to them as they did so, Islamists about drawings of their precious Mohammad (if he's so good why don't they welcome such attention!) and films like this which moralists don't approve of, but the fact that the movie version of 50 Shades was made indicates that we are still a relatively healthy democracy.
Could modify Voltaire slightly for 50 Shades "Whatever you have to make I might find a bit crap, but it would be more than a bit crap if I didn't defend your right to make crap"
Inevitable, but as we are a relatively free country, we have a thing called "freedom of expression" if you've ever heard of it, that means the creative freedom exists for people who would be into the likes of 50 Shades Of Grey to enjoy it and for people who don't to respect the right of those that do and move on to something else. I don't like the sentiments of The Darwin Awards of the violence in many movies and games that are just over the top but I don't seek to ban them! take note domestic violence campaigners, you are campaigning against domestic violence not someones right to make a film about bondage etc. Lots of women enjoyed the book and most likely will enjoy the movie which is why it will no doubt be commercially successful.

Universities are now being criticised for being overly censorial which is why I would disagree with a student union banning the playing of Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines, they might think of themselves of being all young and progressive but they are just Mary Whitehouses,

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