Sunday 8 February 2015

Liverpool Anglican Cathedral - We Need Sanctuary

Saturday 7 February 2015

Just as the Archbishop of Canterbury did

The Anglican Church & the church officials in Liverpool should do more to publicly condemn the cuts and austerity that the City of Liverpool and the country in general is having to go through, which include benefit sanctions for not searching for jobs on Christmas Day, a benefit cap of £26000 a year which sounds a lot but just means those without money cannot live in London at all whether they have heritage there or not, or the need for more and more foodbanks, most people hadn't even heard of the concept of a foodbank before 2010.

The pressure for the Church to condemn austerity and speak out following last weeks occupation of the cathedral might just be working

The slightly surreal protest took place last weekend in Liverpool, whilst it would most typically be the streets of the city centre themselves or various shops and businesses who for one reason or another are seen as part of the problem when it comes to the bitter austerity that we all now increasingly face it was Liverpool's Cathedral's turn to see some activism.
Protesters descended on the vast Anglican Cathedral's interior and waited for Saturday Afternoon's Choral Evensong to conclude before unfurling a large banner from a position high in the rafters above the main cathedral floorspace, worshippers and anyone else present saw the words “we need sanctuary” draped from high above them and listened to a protest speech bellowed from the balcony that wasn't drowned out by security guards or police but rather the extreme acoustics of the cathedral that made it a pretty big challenge to decipher a single word that was said.

Officials from Liverpool Anglican Cathedral would go on to say that they didn't "condone" the protest in the article by the Liverpool Echo but the Dean listened to what the protesters had to say about the increasingly dire conditions for the poor in Liverpool, the diminishing right to protest at all and why the Cathedral could offer "sanctuary".

Ruby Sands holds the protest letter

The banner that had been draped from the high balcony was later placed across the floor near the large altar.

for more 107 News Clips see

AUDIO - Discussion between the protesters and the Dean - Coming Soon!

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