Sunday 15 February 2015

So what's so bad about this Coalition anyway?

Er... let's see, here's a quick list off the top of my head of some of their best "achievements"

Let's hope the government changes in May. Things I've found the worst off the top of my head. I will not forget all this about 2010-2015!

*Only providing one bedroom housing benefit for over 35's as opposed to 25's

* Bedroom Tax

*I hadn't actually heard of foodbanks before 2010!

*Massively increased use of sanctions on JSA, upping the maximum length that somebody could go without any benefit at all to 3 years

*A culture of Job Centres having targets to sanction as many people as possible. Leading to some ex employees with a conscience setting up their own website to advise claimants.

*Increasing the time that they will not give JSA to someone who has voluntarily left a job or been sacked for misconduct to 6 months.

*Constant attempts at workfare and community slave labour schemes that usually never get off the ground.

*All but abolishing the Educational Maintenance Allowance paid to young students in college (FE) in England.

*Allowing councils to make decisions about how much council tax claimants have to pay and making more people on benefit pay some council tax, effectively just a reduction in benefit!

*Attempting to axe all Housing Benefit for young people

*Attempting to scrap the Human Rights Act

*Replacing DLA with PIP and making the criteria stricter to get it.

*Selling off lots of parts of the NHS to be run by private companies

*Privatising the Post Office

*Massively increased student tuition fees to around £9000 a year in England, the only concession being you now don't have to start paying the student loan back until you somehow earn £21000 PA, rather than the £15000 PA it was previously. Previous tuition fees were typically around £3000 a year.

*Sharing just 20% of Coalition power it is for this reason the Lib Dems are particularly disgraced in coalition and have dropped to just 5th in popularity behind The Green Party and UKIP!

* Removed ESA assessment rate forcing claimants to claim JSA whilst waiting for an ATOS medical when first claiming ESA.

*Making life harder for the BBC and making them fund the World Service on existing money and encouraging them to make cuts leading to the loss of BBC THREE and put on a networked evening show on BBC Local Radio.

"Increasing the probation period for new employees from one year to 2 years during which time they have virtually no rights of course!

*Next to no new social housing built.

*The deficit didn't actually go down, it went up!

*They spent more on Housing Benefit AFTER the Bedroom Tax came in!

*Despite wanting more disabled people in work they closed the Remploy factories which put thousands of disabled people out of work.

*Imposing a benefit cap of £26000 a year, it might sound a lot, but it's essentially an eviction notice for those without money who dare to live in London, despite the fact that their family and closest friends and all their community and connections might be from the city too. The cap mostly applies to Housing Benefit in reality and of course London has the craziest private and even social rent levels in the whole country!


*Maybe I would have to count allowing low earners to not be taxed under £10'000 PA!


*They didn't cut off peoples internet connections off for torrenting, as was proposed to happen by 2011!

*They didn't change all benefits such as JSA & ESA over to Universal Credit by 2013!

*The National ID Card scheme was scrapped but that was a Labour policy!

*On the other hand, not that I could directly called a Labour supporter, some of the things they achieved seem quite a bit better from 1997 -

*This isn't a political blog that tries to influence you in any way at all,


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